Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unknowned Itches~

Afta Endin up d msn conversation wit Dear...
Vy had a realli Hard tym fallin Aslp...
Dere's all dis Rashes spreadin up Vy's whole Body...
It realli Itches Vy so much...
D more Vy'd been scratchin, d More it spreads...
Were wide Awake 4 d whole Nite due 2 d itchiness...
Woken Vy's Dear up bt HE's in such Blurr condition..
As a results...
Vy rushed 2 d Hosp, visitin d Emergencies...
It was 7a.m. in d Mornin..
Doc kept askin whetha Vy'd face any Coughs or Suffocations..
D ans is... No.
Well... Dis is Wt happened~~
2 Injections + a packet of Glucose...
Doc allows Vy 2 go bac afta few hrs Observation...
Even doc Dunno y dis happens...
Said was Allergies~~

Frens, Almoz Ends, Couples~

2 more Hrs it'll b Vy's 10th day W/Out HIM~

I's so Sweet of HIM s Vy saw wt HE posted up in Fb 4 Vy...

Vy chat wit HIM tru Msn...

Sumhw, due 2 HIM kept Askin Vy bac...

Fr a normal chat, it slowly bcame a chat where...

Vy confronted HIM, Tellin HIM all d Hurtful things Vy'd had in Mind...

Afta a Long chat....
Undeniable Vy realli felt so Touched by HIS words n Promises made..
So, instead of Givin up dos Hopes in Our relationship...
Vy decided 2 guv both Us a Chance...
Vy told HIM...
In order 2 giv
Us more tym 2 Understan each otha more...
Lets start bac fr d Beginnin...
Lets start fr bein Frens...
Vy promised nt 2 take away d Possiblity 4 Us 2 b bac 2getha...
Auto off9 again...
Vy realli tot HE'd understan....
Bt d Miserables r Alwiz awaitin in d Corner...
V r still Frens s wt V dealt...
Misunderstandins still brought Us in2 Arguements...
Hw cud V hav a Happi Couples' Life;
When V Cudn even deal wit Lifes bein Frens??
At dt tym..
Vy realli realli do felt s if Vy's Heart 2wards HIM is dyin...
Almos DEAD....
Though Vy's Luv 4 HIM neva dies...
Vy's Heart juz felt so~

HE managed 2 Pull Vy bac..
Vy honestly dunno Hw HE'd done it..
HE's lyk Wrappin Vy's Heart in HIS arms...
Healin dem in a Way...
In d End...
Instead of startin off fr Frens...
Vy Agreed 2 go bac, cuddlin in HIS arms...

V both noe hw much V Needed each othas...
Vy cud felt Vy's Luv 2wards HIM is so Strong..
Whilst, HIS Efforts does showed hw much HE wanted 2 Recover Our relationship...
Will things realli Work Out in between Us dis tym??

Friday, July 30, 2010

Laz Hope 4 Him & 4 Vy~

HE'll b graduatin in SIA ltr...
Vy mean 2day on d 30th of Jul...
Wish Vy cud b dere 2 c HIM graduate...
HE'll officially b a Steward afta d Graduation...
Dis pics was taken durin HIS Degree graduation..
It was oso Vy's 1st tym,
Takin pic wit Vy's Luv durin HIS graduation..

Bt guess It'll oso b Vy's Laz tym...
Afta tml, it'll b d 10th Day w/out HIM...
Vy'd made up Vy's Mind...
On d 10th Day V were apart,
Vy will make a Decision.........
Vy decided 2 Let Go d Hope...
Of HIM bein Able 2 Find d Key~~~
Coz Vy'd been very Xhausted...
Vy dun wanna kip Hopin 4 Nothin...

Bt Vy realli Wish 2 Kiss HIM 4 d Laz Tym...
Vy Luv HIM~~

9th Day W/Out Him~

Its Oni d 30th of Jul....
19 more Days~~

Its been 9 Days afta HE Let Go of Vy~~
Vy's Heart is stil Locked...
Vy received HIS Commented on Vy's blog...
Vy noe...
"U noe d Key~~"
D Key 2 Vy's Heart....
"U noe it Deep INSIDE of U...
D Wall in U, dt was Destiny 2 put Us APART,
Hides d Key fr U...
Dts y d Evry1 can c d Key bt nt U...
Waste No more Tym & Strength in Searchin 4 d Key...
Mayb Vy realli Dun meant 4 U..."

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wasted Lor Bak~

So Sick~~

Bt still gotta Walk a Long way,
Walkin Up n Down all dos Staircase....
Nearly Faint due 2 Lack of Oxigen~~

Yesterday nite, tru Msn,
HE told Vy HE misses Lor Bak....
2day Vy Purposely buy Lor Bak let HIM c de...^^

Bt too Bad...
Vy nt Yt even eaten any,,
Were Finished up by Vy's Aunt's Pup named WinWay~~
Dis is Vy's Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner...
Wit a Tom Yam Mee Cup s Appetizer... =.=

Long Tym No C~

Tot HE'll nt call 2nite...
Bt HE Msn wit Vy...
Had nt Seen HIS face afta V Broke up...
Till, HE sent Vy a Video call~~
HE's cute isnt HE??
V chat s a Fren~~

Dis is d 1st tym Vy c Vy's LUV fell Aslp even V r so far Away~~

Hw Nice isit if Vy cud c HIM slpin 4 d Whole nite...

Bt due 2 d line Prob... Vy's msn went Off9....


Stil Cudn slp~~

Plan 2 b HIS alarm Clock...
Vy's so Afraid dt HE Ovrslept due 2 Chattin wit Vy...
Poor HIM oni had Less den 3hrs Slp~~
Woke up at 6sumtin~
Afta Ringin HIM up,
Vy finally fell Aslp...

Vy had no Idea wt Happened afta dt...
Did Vy Said or Done anythin Out of Mind??
Dt'll b so Embarassin...

Vy woke up Dis mornin, Sick~~

Key 2 Vy's Heart~

Vy Dun wanna Reject HIS Luv...
Cos Vy realli Miss HIS Luv so much...
Bt Vy noe HE wont noe hw 2 get d Key 2 open bac Vy's HEART~~
HE wont noe Wt Vy nid 2 feel Secure..
Vy dun wan Ppl 2 tink of Vy s a Cheap gurl, Beggin Bac Vy's LUV~~
Vy Misses HIM.....




