Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bac 2 path~

Been havin a very depressed moment..
Bt I'm impressed of Vy's strenght n will 2 cont Vy's life
& live it 2 d fullest!!

Vy's line is tuned since Vy was born...
It will nt change no matter hw Vy was hurt or hw Vy fell...
Cos Vy'll still b a loyal n luvin person which is wt IVy's proud of myself^^
No matter wt hits Vy in Vy's life..
Vy'll neva revenge it on othas~

Nt oni Vy will NOT Stay fallen...
Vy'll make Vy's life Awesome!!!

Here Vy wanna thx 2 dos who Supported Vy n Trust in Vy..
Vy's Famili, Sisters n Bros, Frens & Colleagues,
Even dos who din noe Vy in person..

"Thank you 4 all~~"

Vy'll Luv myself
Luv u All^^

Let's all live n enjoy life 2 d Fullest wit Vy^^


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