Saturday, April 14, 2012

Apologize 4 d Missing In Action~

I'm Sincerely Apologizin 4 Missin In Action~

I'd Realize oni dat In Here,

I can Express my Happi, Hurt or Numb w/o Annoyin Others..

Instead of Flooding ppl's Wall, Oni those who Care or Interested will Drop by~

Here's some Update~

I had a New Job,

Well not exactly New though; as I had Fly for omost 2yrs~

I patched up wit Him 2yrs ago~
D "Him" which I'm with when I started Bloggin~

I Accepted Him with d Heart which Craves for Luv & Happiness..

Juz like when He's afta me,

D way he wans So much 4 me to Accept His Luv*

4 d 1st few Months,

I realli did feel like I'd found my Own Fairy-Tale...


Isit True dat Fairy-Tale doesnt Laz in Reality?

We r Together.. We Luv.. *Do we?

We r so Close.. But yet so Far..

I'm so Confuse..

Crying juz doesnt solve Our Problem...

D Urge of leaving Him is so Strong..

So Strong..

Y am I holding Bac?

Honestly.. I dun know..


I'm Still Hopin dat one day,

He'll Understand~

*Big Sigh~

I'm Still Holding On Though!!

Thanks for all d Nice Comment & Great Smile^^

I'll Hold on Wit All Those Smiles Tru my Path!!

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